Sunday, January 29, 2012

HIV is no more a Death Sentence

AIDS was firstly found in the years of 1980's. During that time in united states, many of gay person come to the clinic with some disease and showing symptoms of immunodeficiency syndrome. They cant resist even for simple infection by bacterial and their immune systems are like totally down. The prevalence are quit high among the gay partners in united states. At the same time, some symptoms were found among the injected drug user in other placed. Later these symptoms named as AIDS(Acquired  Immuno Deficiency Syndrome).

AIDS is known to be caused mostly by the HIV virus, but not all patient with AIDS having HIV virus infection. The immuno deficiency syndrome also can be caused by other disease and also some medication,but these type of immunodeficiency, medical professional did not put under the AIDS terms as exclusively for HIV patient.

HIV virus is a retrovirus known to attack the CD4+ cell. CD4+ cell is the T cell that responsible for protecting human body from any infection. When infected by the HIV virus our body will try to compensate with the infection by increasing the number of CD4+, but as the infection going chronic our body no more can compensate as the number of viral replication increase with the increase of CD4+. That is why at the early phase of infection, the infected person appear normally with no symptoms develop and this phase is called window period. As the infection progress our CD4+ will decrease and our immune system worsen by the times.

When the CD4 decreased until less than 200 this phase called AIDS, where the immune system is totally weaken and our body prone to any kind of infections. In this phase usually the infected person will die due to opportunistic infection but not by the HIV virus. Most common disease killing HIV person during this phase are TB and P. carinii Pneumonia where its rarely happens in normal person.

As medical field improved by times, 20 years ago a drug called Anti-RetroViral (ARV) created to stops the replication of HIV virus. This drugs give new hopes for HIV infected person as evidences showed that person used this drug since it introduced into the market still alive but on ARV pills and  living with the HIV virus for about 20 years.

And for now a treatment course called HAART (highly active anti-retroviral treatment) developed for HIV patients and giving a better future for HIV infected person with evidence on literature showing a positive hopes. Thus, HIV is now treatable and just a chronic disease like diabetes where u can treat and control it but the disease cant be cure. If the patient really comply to the medicines they can prevent gets any infection and can live for years. HIV is no more a death sentence for infected person as the disease is now controllable but the things that killing HIV infected person nowadays is the stigma by the public. This stigmatized view we have to change as to achieve better future for everyone.

p/s: i tried to work on my thesis on parasito but this thing come out from my head..sigh

Sunday, January 15, 2012

ya Sudahlah

For about 17 months ago..i'm down the lowest and was alone thinking what will happens to of the biggest dugaan dalam hidup. Teringat lagi durin' that time frequently listen to this song.

ya Sudahlah
by: Bondan Prakoso ft Fade 2 Black

The lyrics and music dia dapat la kasi ubat sikit kat hati time tu. Tapi bukan giving any hopes pon, just reduce the pain of giving up. 

And today.. I still listening to this song with some memories.. Thanks God for bringing me back on the track.. I didn't give up, try to work it out and Alhamdulillah still on the track until today with a great give from Allah.

Peoples do Failed in their life

by: Maher Zain

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

*Wordless Tuesday*


teringin la pulak..

sedap sungguh

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jersi Baru Kelantan The Red Warriors 2012

Jersey baru team Kelantan The Red Warriors bagi musim 2012 telah pon dilancarkan pada 31 december 2011. Event yang ditunggu-tunggu sebelum masuk tahun baru 2012 yang tidak lama lagi juga akan bermula musim baru bola sepak malaysia.

Ni jersey baru kelantan Home and Away by UMBRO


Merah- Home
Putih- Away

Boleh dikatakan agak cantik jugak la jersey ni. Menarik kan..dengan logo-logo penaja bak papan iklan..
eh..kejap..ade something yang pelik dengan jersey ni..

Cer tengok jersey yang satu ni
Jersey ATM musim 2012 Home & Away

Sebijik sama macam jersey team Kelantan. Punah harapan nak tengok jersey yang grand dari team kelantan fa. Apa yang agak mengejutkan lagi, jersey team ATM telah dilancarkan lebih awal dari jersey Kelantan dan menggunakan penaja yang sama iaitu UMBRO. 

corak jersey sebijik..kaler jer lain
jersey ATM lagi

jersey ATM lagi yang sebijik macam jersey Kelantan.

Antara carita yang dibaca, design ni telah bocor dari team kelantan melalui seseorang orang dalam, dan telah diambil team lain kemudian telah dilancarkan lebih awal dari team kelantan. Terkilan..ramai yang terkilan..