Sunday, January 15, 2012

ya Sudahlah

For about 17 months ago..i'm down the lowest and was alone thinking what will happens to of the biggest dugaan dalam hidup. Teringat lagi durin' that time frequently listen to this song.

ya Sudahlah
by: Bondan Prakoso ft Fade 2 Black

The lyrics and music dia dapat la kasi ubat sikit kat hati time tu. Tapi bukan giving any hopes pon, just reduce the pain of giving up. 

And today.. I still listening to this song with some memories.. Thanks God for bringing me back on the track.. I didn't give up, try to work it out and Alhamdulillah still on the track until today with a great give from Allah.

Peoples do Failed in their life

by: Maher Zain


Aja Aisha said...

ketika mimpimu, yg begitu indah..
tak pernah terwujud, ya sudahlahh..~~

nak click "like" kt post tade button laa...hehe.. this blog kt fb then i like laaa...hahahaha..

Mey said...

hahaha..sape ntah yg knalkan lagu ni masa tu..
ingt fesbuk ker cikkak nak main like2..
segan ah mau post kt febuk..

Aja Aisha said...

ok then, i click here..
*click "LIKE"*
struggle lg yuk...huu

Mey said...

semoga dipermudahkan segalanya...huhu