Saturday, December 15, 2012

Small-pox a threat in future still

Since long time ago small pox been eradicated from the modern world. Eradicating program going well and we can see that none of modern man suffering the deadly disease called small pox.
After the eradicating program success only two stain of small pox keep for research and preparing vaccination in the future incase if the disease reemerge again. The two remaining stain was kept by two major power in the world during coldwar which are the SOVIET and US.
The one in US was keep safe in the laboratory untill today and waiting time to be use. But after the cold war we know that the soviet union going down and collaps. The stain keep by the soviet went missing and no one know wehre it is today.
Here the threat come, the missing stain of small pox might fall to wrong hand to be use as biological weapon and the disease can reemerge again. Or the one stain stay in US can be use by the government to stary a war as they claim been attack with biological weapon.
As we know most of us today was not vaccinated with small pox, sure lots of life affected if the diseases reemergeing.

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