Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday Morning

Its been a week.. me at hospital..wew, 
Sunday morning perfect time for some people to enjoy free from any duty and sleep till noon, but me have on-call at 8am..
What can i do..hope there will have some interesting case for me to learn this morning

Gua Sebagai Orang Suruhan

P/S: Photos of The Week

SuperMario mencari pencuri TELUR

Amri yang berjaya meragut teruna dan TELUR Gaddar


MR toriQ said...

henseng abe mey kito, abih la pahni mc2 duk gilo,hahaha

Mey said...

kahkah..kuak main angin teh

MR toriQ said...

dok main hanging stabok eh,kah3